Magnepan .7 Alternatives

Looking for suggestions…Currently I have Magnepan .7’s and am generally happy but at times they just don’t do it.

I find these speakers to be schizophrenic, sounding great on some tracks and other tracks leaving me wondering what the hey !… I’d say probably 30-40% of the time I’m feeling this way. Either too much treble, not clear or not tonally balanced. I’m no expert but just my opinion, it often comes off as the midrange being pushed to it’s limit trying to be treble. I assume I feel that way being the speaker’s lack of accuracy, although what Maggi’s do they do well, just not an accurate speaker.

I experience this pretty much no matter what source or style of music I play, certainly a non forgiving speaker. Yes, I’ve played around with Toe-In, tried various resistors & jumpers…sounds great on everything I adjust, just not a consistent sounds great.

Lets get it straight, I’m not a “Magnepan Hater”, there’s certain qualities I truly love about my Maggi .7’s, the open sound, the transparency but hoping I may be able to find a speaker that’s not as finicky and can give me the open feel, transparency and clarity that I seek.

My set up consists of:

Odyssey Khartago Extreme Amp

Tubes4hif SP-13 Preamp

Bluesound Node

EAT B Sharp TT w/Sumiko Moonstone Cart

Pro-Ject Tube Box S Phono Pre

(2) REL - T5x Subs


Room dimensions: 11.5’ W x 12’ L

10’ Ceilings -

Listening Distance from Speakers

8.5’ - 9’

Carpet, Curtins, (4) 48” x 12”Acoustic panels on wall behind sofa facing my set up.

Not a fan of bookshelf’s and rather would prefer recommendations on

Floorstanders but will listen and research any suggestions you feel would work.

Note: I’m just starting my search, so don’t beat me up if I don’t go right out and purchase your suggestion as others have done in the past.

My Budget is around the $3k mark.




1th the most recordings are bad but really bad, why do you think if you listen in a shop it sounds great? Because they take the best recordings you can sell an aiwa set with this recordings. 2th tubes with maggies is not a very good combination they like more a power and fast amp. 3th mine son plays the .7 with two svs subs sounds ok. I have the 1.7i i do it without, i had the 3 and . 20 i listen mine whole live to magnepan the weak thing is the filter you can upgrade this. 

Any other speaker, I just don’t think any Maggie speakers are that good when you want to play a variety of music thru them. I have friends with the 3.x and 20.7’s.

For you smaller room and in your budget for used speakers, check out the Totem Model One, Hawks, or the Revel F206/226 since you have subwoofers.

As mentioned, your room size may be an issue.  Also, many mention the quality, or lack of it, in the recordings you listen to.  I have found over the years that some recordings sound horrible on Maggies.  BUT, some bands mixed-down on them and their stuff sounds awesome!

Best of luck in your search. Remember, it is all about the MUSIC in YOUR ROOM!


Your biggest issue is with the room dimensions. Basically those are the wrong speakers for that size room or the wrong room for those speakers. Good luck!

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