Call it Class A-G if it makes you happy but at it's core, the Benchmark was based on a switching power supply which is why it weighs 12.5 lbs.
From S'Phile's coverage of RMAF 2013;
The Benchmark AHB2 amplifier, named in honor of the company's founder, Allen H. Burdick, who passed away just before the show, has a dynamic range claimed to approach 130dB, and outputs 100Wpc into 8 ohms, 170Wpc into 4 ohms and can be bridge to produce 340W into 8 ohms. THD+noise is said to be <–108dB relative to full output at 1kHz. John Siau explained that the THX modules are operated in a mode that gave the lowest noise and distortion rather than the maximum efficiency I wrote about in 2012. A key to the low THD is the use of 0.01%-tolerance resistors at critical points in the circuit. A switching power supply is used, Siau feeling that this was optimal because all the power-supply spuriae will be out-of-band and therefore more readily filtered.