A number of cable construction topics were discussed in the thread linked below. Virtually: everything/every objection any poster could come up with.
Might be worth the review, to anyone interested in the baking of a better, er... I mean: the MAKING of a better cable.
btw: None of my posting have ever been intended to convince ANYONE they're doing something wrong, in their own listening rooms. Far as I'm concerned: that's your domain, you're the pope in your own home and whatever makes you happy is fine with me.
When I was in the system building business: (though my own taste has always been for transparency/signal integrity) whatever flavor/coloration of sound the customer desired...WELL, my philosophy was, "The customer always thinks they're right!" and it was there to make THEM happy.
I just hate it when those disposed to experimenting with their own gear, are dissuaded by so much uneducated negativity, every time the subject arises.
Happy listening!