It has been difficult to suggest a Densified Wood to be considered for use in the USA as there are not too many Brands able to be found.
Thanks to the TV Series 'Forged in Fire', I have seen a material used that captured my curiosity and have now discovered the correct name for the material that somebody who is developing a curiosity for a Densified Wood might like to look at.
My searching for Diamond Wood, has commonly not found the wood type I was looking for.
A different approach has found Dymond Wood.
This is more like it, a Birch Wood Veneer Board, that begins as a 2 Inch assembly of Layer and is compressed to a 1 Inch finished product with a plastic resin type of adhesive.
The description is very in keeping with the Wood Type I am an advocate of.
The properties that make it more akin is the Weight I have a Dymond Wood at approx' 1300Kg per Cubic Metre, which is undoubtedly a Densified Wood.
The Compressive Strength and stability when submerged in water is very attractive, this material is extremely stable and will not expand or yield in any usage for HiFi.
You could make a plinth large enough to use a M4 Sherman as a Tonearm and it will be the ideal Plinth Material.
Hopefully the info' will be of use to a forum member for their own trials to commence.