Chord M-Scaler and Should I Want One?

I have an Innuos Zenith Mk3 server/streamer feeding an Innuos PhoenixUSB reclocker, which feeds my Gryphon Diablo 300’s DAC module.  I am connecting these with Audioquest Diamond USB cords.  I love the sound of this combo. 

I know the Chord M-Scaler doesn’t support the max upsampling when connecting non-Chord DAC’s, but I’ve read in multiple places that it still makes a big improvement.

Are others using the M-Scaler with non-Chord DAC’s and if so what has your experience been?

As an aside I see the M-Scaler only allows for the tiny low-voltage power cord.  I find this surprising since I find that an aftermarket premium cord improves my Innuos USB reclocker very noticeably (but not as noticeably as using premium cords with my Innuos streamer). 




I wouldn’t say the M-Scaler is about clarity. It’s more about weight, balance and a certain relaxed naturalness. 

I wouldn’t say the M-Scaler is about clarity. It’s more about weight, balance and a certain relaxed naturalness. 

i agree with this... with the right accompanying dac (in my case the hugo tt2 or an older musical fidelity trivista), it is about a sense of ease and naturalness, a richness of tone added to the sound.... in effect, more analog sounding less digital, as if the bits are glued together more nicely

Okay, you have my attention lol….   I don’t think those are areas you can have too much of.  Thanks for correcting my inaccurate perception of what this unit does (understanding that it would be different and likely with lesser of a benefit in my case with the degree of upsampling capped using the SPDIF output to my Gryphon DAC).

To me, these sonic traits sound similar to my experience when adding the Innuos PhoenixNET network isolator.  Smoother, deeper, more natural.  The PhoenixUSB reclocker added clarity and precision, and the network isolator made sure that things continued to sound natural.  


@jjss49 , I see you also have the Weiss 501 DAC, which I hear is warmer leaning (I also hear that it is superb).  My Gryphon DAC module is also warmer leaning.  Not sure if it’s possible to set up the Weiss as a DAC only with an external USB input, but if so, have you tried it with the M-Scaler?  Have you heard the M-Scaler with DACs where it didn’t work so well?


I have the Chord Dave.  I purchased the M-scaler expecting less improvement with their top of the line dac but I still didn't care for it.  I found the best setting was on the pass thru setting so I took it out of the system.  I plan to put it back in, it is still sitting there, but haven't gotten around to it.  So I wouldn't call my testing complete.  The better your DAC, the less upscaling will help you.  my 2 cents.