NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?


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We all screen/filter our purchases, be it by cost, class, power, etc. because we can’t listen to every product on the market. Objective performance is just one possible filter, though it also is a logical choice because measurements say a lot about how an amp will perform with one’s speakers, to some extent how it might sound based on its distortion spectra and distortion behavior.

Screening products on such a basis is rational, efficient, and in my experience, a meaningful and useful exercise. I want an amp that has enough power, adds as little as technically possible to the input signal, doesn’t change character with load, and will function without issue with my speaker’s impedence. Of course, once I am comfortable that it meets my objective needs, I listen and base my decision on that. So, yes, my ears are exactly the final arbiter...Sure, I could take your advice and ignore the specs, just audition willy nilly, find out the hard way that the amp won’t meet my objective needs, and waste a lot of time and money. Now that would surely be sad. No thanks.




I said your amp uses the ncore. You said no, it’s new and improved. The text you added says it uses the ncore.  Sorry, I don’t follow.

By the way, the UCD was also designed by the same person who designed the ncore and purifi. Each iteration was an improvement. Glad to hear you are a Putzeys fan.

Last time I listened to and auditioned to a NAD was 20 years ago. Along with Emotiva and Rotel. I bought Rotel back then. Maybe they turned it around nowadays. I don’t know. I moved on. Enjoy