NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?



I don't have bat ears either... and I still like the sound of my 1986 Integra Tx-88 receiver, and love the sound of my little $600 Marantz nr1200 receiver, and ...

I'd bet the NAD is far from junk...  maybe it ain't to one's taste, but it ain't junk.




I haven't heard the NAD M23 but I have owned and heard other Putzey designed amps, UCD, Ncore, and Purifi over the years. I have found that Ncore and Purifi are very similar with more refinement in the higher frequencies with Purifi. Neither really has "a sound". They are very neutral, by design.




I'd bet the NAD is far from junk...  maybe it ain't to one's taste, but it ain't junk.


Of course it isn't. Like I said, consider the source.

Also the Rogue is a daily driver.

Critical listening is reserved for Class A  and A/B Integrated in my listening room.

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