NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?


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I don’t waste my time with other’s subjective opinion.  Sure, I might miss out on something but that is a possibility no matter if I filter by performance or by what other’s think.

It’s you who’ve completely missed the point.  Why use either measurements or subjective opinion to the complete exclusion of the other?  By your own admission here both objective and subjective measurements can be wrong in terms of your own personal tastes/preferences so why would you use only one as your primary funnel?  If they can both be wrong for your tastes, why not use both to help whittle down your options rather than using just one to identify your options?  Using both together you’d be less likely to “miss out on something” or likewise avoid maybe wasting time auditioning something that measures well but doesn’t seem to exhibit sonic qualities that meet with your tastes.  Initially use both together as indications rather than only one as an absolute is what I’m saying here.  Neither is infallible, but both can offer very useful information IME. 

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I don’t use one or the other to the complete exclusion of the other. Like I said, I have fundamental requirements that must be met before I can even consider what an amp sounds like- why would I listen to a 2 watt SET when I need 500 watts? Why would I want an amp with a load dependent frequency response? Why would I waste time listening to an amp that has audible distortion products?

As I said, no matter how you choose, you can’t listen to them all and may miss something. That’s something we all must live with. At least I know that those that have been vetted will indeed work with my system requirements and are thus viable candidates.