NAD M23 Stereo Amplifier: Best Amp Ever Bench Tested?!?



Wow this is some thread, but I thought I'd put my 2 cents in anyways on NAD and the Hypex/Purifi modules they license and fashion for their amps... I've had the M22 V2 and the C298 in my office system and the latter was the better amp for "air" in the mids and highs and the former really great for bass/slam/dynamics etc. Definitely not "junk" just good value for money. Now have a CODA CSiB integrated (Class A/B, first 12 watts in Class A) in that system and it is clearly the better amp for my tastes.

@kuribo thyname asked you if you owned the M23, you replied "No, I have heard it but do not own it". Hence my question about your take on the sound. Why the change in response to "I haven't heard the NAD M23 "? Whether or not you have heard other purify amps isn't of interest, you are focused on the M23 bench test results and responded that you heard it.