how good are the non os dacs?

had the epiphanous vinyl experience and realize that i would like to bring my digital closer to the vinyl qualities i.e. smoother with more natural tones but retaining good resolution. i have my eye on the non os dac by small company but the opinions thus far are great. could a few of you digital experts comment on how good non os really sounds? love to hear recommendations from those of you that have listened to them in comparison. thanks
hi djwilbourn:

i own the promitheus dac and two others. it has a lot of resolution and does not possess the characterostics that others have observed regarding os dacs.

the other two dacs, the paradisea and the exemplar little dac are also very detailed. i find the paradisea dac to be the "sharpest" sounding of the three.

i compared the dac in my vincent cd player to the three dacs. the differences are not that great. of course, the digital interconnect is key as well as the analog interconnects.

i reiterate that it is counter productive to make general statements about non os dacs. there are differences between them.

i also have not found any lush, rich or euphonic digital components which are in current production.
thanks for the responses so far, i am getting a great impression of pros to this design and the limits of its capability. mr. tennis, since you own the one i want, how pleased are you with it and do you feel it was a good investment? nill the pill, which one do you have? thanks again for the input
Undertow did a very good job of describing what I hear as differences between the two... He said it better than I could have. NOS dacs have plenty of detail, but as he stated OS dacs produce a soundstage that seems more airy or larger in an artificial way...
hi dj:

i don't think much of it in its present state. it needs all silver wire and rcas removed. at that point i will have a better idea whether it is a good dac.
Hi Djwilbourn,

I have a Zanden 5000 Signature DAC (Non OS) and a Metronome C2A signature DAC (OS)