After using the stock tubes, what kind of change do you want
Actually, there is nothing "wrong" with how it sounds now. The sound is clean, clear, and there is no noise I can hear over what I get using the internal SS opamp output stage in the Hatter The Big Preamp. Dynamics are good, as is the bass, but I don't typically split hairs over bass since I have dual subs so I can mostly adjust the sound of the bass as needed. If anything, I wouldn't mind a bit more tonal density in the midrange through upper bass, but not at the expense of clarity. I am also curious whether I will hear any spatial differences with NOS tubes, like greater perceived dimensionality.
I have been comparing the stock JAN PHILIPS ECC82 (12AU7/5963) tubes with reissue/new Mullard ECC92 tubes and have a slight preference for the Mullards. I have used different tubes in the past in preamps by Lamm, NAT, Lector, BAT, and others. In preamps using 6dj8/6922 type tubes, I gravitated to the Amperex 6922 PQ white label or Amperex 7308/E188CC white label. I cannot remember which brands/vintage of 12au7 tubes I have used previously.