Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today

Just wanted to inform the individuals that have shown interest in reading the full review on Stereo Times website, not just the comments on the on-going thread about the 16 amplifier, that it was posted this morning.  It gets into the details why this is a spectacular piece regarding performance, build quality, and it's very reasonable price for what you get for your money.


For you 07x owners reading this thread. There is a separate power supply upgrade coming out for the 07x. I am sure it will increase the performance. Prior owners can use it, not sure how that would work..

@yyzsantabarbara It sounds like we have some similar tastes, I am running LS50's with a Coda #8 and a Freya + pre. What caught my eye was your pending choice of the Holo Serene as your next preamp, it is what I am eyeing as well as an upgrade to the Freya. I look forward to your review of that piece. Meanwhile, I will have to live vicariously through you and your Blades, no room for those on this end.

I’ve been reading about the outboard power supply upgrade for the 07x for two or more years now, but have seen no concrete evidence of it nor heard any rumblings from Coda themselves. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

@lancelock what other high end amps have you owned?

@yyzsantabarbara if i could get a demo id love to put it up against my arc ref5se. I did talk to one audiophile who said he liked the ARC LS27 more than his 07x but of course I have to hear for myself.