I got confirmation from VPI that I do have the correct JMW VTA base. I'm just puzzled as to why I can't get the proper alignment when I have the correct P2S distance.
Right now I'm using the VPI jig and the diamond is at the forward most part of the circle, almost just off of it, with the cart as far back as it will go. I know it's close, but it's not right on, and leaves me no room for tweaking. I do plan on getting a Mint protractor soon and I'm sure there will be more adjusting to come.
The only solution I can come up with is to remount the base for a P2S distance of 260mm (2 mm over). At that point I should be able to pull the cart forward to achieve a good alignment. I have a piece of ebony on its way.
I'm still open to other suggestions, if anyone has one.