Excel Sound Corp ST 1 step up transformer

Anyone here with any information on this step up? The exakt description is;

Excel sound corporation Super ST 1 MC transformer

I am now playing it on my Kuzma Reference 2, 4-point 11,5 inch arm, My Sonic lab excellence ex and an excellent swedish phonoamp Simply Black phono and its sounds so good! I have asked the manufakturer in Japan about specification but they have none?!
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I am in the market for a step up transformer.   This looks like a good one, anyone know where I can buy or audition one?

Based on comments by Chakster, Dover, and Raul, this appears to be an obsolete unit, maybe sold in the 1980s, and very rare; the OP lives in Sweden. So you’d be very lucky to find one, let alone audition it. Raul suggests that the modern equivalent may be available from Etsuro.