Rebadging of Streaming Platforms

So I was reading some Q&A from an audio reviewer last night in which he mentioned that most audio streamers are just rebadged platforms from one or two vendors (I'm talking just the streaming portion of any unit, not the DAC).  I have had more than one dealer tell me the same thing.  So my question for anyone who knows is who actually makes these one or two platforms?  Or conversely, who actually makes their own streamers?  I going out on a limb and am guessing that Sonore may be one who "makes their own" but was hoping some one else had the actual answers.



Correct, very little digital it’s an old car wrapped in some new material quite simply just fun to drive, another hobby. You’ve a Lucid Air really ? Humm… although slightly unimpressive inside at its price point, it’s definitely a quiet slingshot ride.


@1971gto455ho no I do not that was sarcasm. I do have a 1968 z-28 that I have owned since High School.  Weekend rides in the summer only, zero rust all original. 


Screaming solid lifter forged 302 kicked many a big blocks Ass-embly Lol. That’s good stuff guy hang onto that baby. Been doing the Auto thing about as long as the audio thing. Always nice to know there’s other’s keen on steel.


Nothing says lack of character like a battery-powered car. Think, golf cart. Sorry, I know it’s the future but nothing from a battery will replace the thrill of hearing a Ferrari 8-cylinder or a Porsche 6 singing behind my ears. Or even a Ford or Chevy V8 from the front.  Never ever. God help us whenever we can no longer fuel these wonderful machines. Just sayin’.

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