Re-tip Ortofon Cadenza Bronze

I got a good deal on a new Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cart., ($1500), and went for it. It sounded great! But now I’m thinking about the time when I’ll have to get it re-tipped. Ortofon wants $950. I’m not rich, especially lately, so this would be pretty painful.

I used to get my last cart re-tipped by Soundsmith, and they always did a lovely job. They’re also significantly cheaper. What I’m wondering is, whether I can, or should, send a cart like this to Soundsmith? Have any of you ever sent a “higher end” cart to Soundsmith for re-tipping? What was your experience? 


Apparently, Soundsmith can do actual re-tipping, (as opposed to a rebuild), using the same cantilever. Surely that would be the way to go?


Unless you’ve bent the exiting cantilever it’s not now you need to worry about the cost, take good care of your cartridge and  it will have gone up when the time comes anyway.

I have the other current Ortofon with a Replicant 100 stylus on an aluminium cantilever and had to get that rebuilt because I’d messed up setting the bias and after a year of daily use the cantilever wasn’t in line any more, not bent but misaligned.enough to produce intrusive sibilance where it hadn’t existed before. Take care with your bias setting.

OP how new is your Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cart? Unless you listen 20+ hrs a day (lucky you,) then you have many, many years of listening to your cartridge. Enjoy

Ortofon rebuilt my Bronze several years ago and it was better than new when it came back.  You have wonderful cartridge.  Unless you're looking for a different sound,  protect your investment when the time comes.

Thanks for your responses! The diamond is still in good shape, so this isn’t a problem now. I’m just thinking ahead. I keep an eye on it with a 60X jeweler’s loupe.