Help me decide! Marshall & Orange heads for high gain stacking

Hello all - I am at a crossroads. I have a budget of about 600 USD (Max) and I am looking for an amplifier that fits my needs and compliments the styles of music that I play. I usually rotate between 3 genres of music

-Doom/Sludge/Stoner metal (Sleep, Mastodon, Beezelbong)

-Hard Rock/Shoegaze (If these trees could talk, Alcest, Clutch, Sabbath)

-Drone & Ambient (Sunn, Inter Arma, YOB)

I currently play -

Heads: Orange Micro Dark 20W Hybrid head and a SUNN Concert Lead 100W Solid State.

Cab: Orange 2x12 w/ Celestion 30's

Guitar(s): Les Paul w/ Matt Pike sig. pickups (C Standard) G&L Telecaster (E Flat), and a Squire Baritone (Drop A)

Pedals: Lots, I get most, if not all, of my distortion and effects from pedals.


One of my friends that was a studio engineer said always go with tubes for instruments especially guitars. Not sure what the two amps in question are.

Since your into distortion tones have you tried an Egnator Tourmaster or Rebel?

Cool guitarists all now plug into combo amps, not stacks. Stacks are so 70's ;-) .