Adding additional ground rods can reduce the efficiency of the Earth which is there primarily for lightning strikes on the power lines.
Not when tied together, and spaced (a good rule of thumb is the length of the rods) equally apart from each other. I admit (most don’t know this), ground rods *are mainly there* for (discharging) lightning strikes. Having been a Radio Broadcast Engineer for over 3 decades, I’ve always dealt with lightning, lightning strikes and lightning damage (oh what fun; but really, what an experience!), with those big lightning rods (towers) sticking straight up into the sky.
I think what confuses many is when they start beefing up their ground rods, they’re most times simultaneously also beefing up (without realizing it) their audio system grounding and bonding infrastructure; hence the perceived and achieved lower noise floors.
Overkill if you understand electricity.
You do realize this hobby is about excess, headroom and overkill, right? 😉