Speakers for Musical Fidelity M6i

I would appreciate suggestions to replace my recent sold PSB Synchrony 2 for better overall speakers.
I upgraded to Musical Fidelity 200w integreated & need speakers to complement.
My room is 12x20 w/Bryston CD player,Rega P5 TT & AQ cables.
Something in 3-4 k range
My current list includes:
Sonus Faber liuto(special price from dealer)/PSB Synchrony I/Legacy Classic/Totem Forest & Joseph Audio RM25XL(but it's 46 inches tall which is too high for my apt.).
I have the M6 separates, they're driving Von Schweikert VR4 jr. k2's. Really tonally balanced.
I'll pipe in to suggest that speakers are the most important component in any system. So I'd recommend finding speakers you like most and that work in your room and budget. Then go about finding an amp the pairs best with those speakers.

That said, the M6i seems pretty burly and there's probably not a lot of speakers that it couldn't drive well.