Looking For The Best Pre-Amp Match For A Pair of Classe Omega Amplifiers

Going to pick up a pair of Classe Omega monoblock amplifiers this week. Need to select a pre-amp for it. 


Was wondering which Classe pre-amps  were considered their best offerings?


Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.


Backert is tubed but is not Conrad-Johnson-tubey, and has all the attributes you desire and none that you don't want.

I just want a high quality pre amp with excellent volume control, balanced outputs, and remote control capability.

If you want to get the most out of balanced operation, with whatever preamp you look at, ask if it supports AES48, the balanced line standard. Most high end audio preamps don't.

I would recommend taking a look at the CODA SS preamps. CODA tends to fly under the radar, but it is top notch American built SS gear. Very detailed and transparent, but with a warmer quality. The 07X maybe out of your price range, but the CODA CP is a great preamp with a lot of the 07X performance. Both can also be found on the used market. Good luck. 

So i brought the Classe Omega home this afternoon and have them installed. Just running on my back up pre-amp at the moment, wanting to get the amps warmed up and settled in. Been powered up since 2 PM, so about 8 hours, and they have just gotten warm to the touch. In the past with my AVM amps and PS PS Audio I found it usually takes about 72 hours for them to find their footing, and at the 7 day mark before you get the majority of their ability. But even now, after listening to a few tracks you can hear the potential. The sound is far more real than many other amps I have heard over the years. If I had to describe the sound I would say it is nothing and everything, with the ability to bring the music alive. Sure at the upper tier I imagine there are amps that will outpace these, but for what financial resources I have this is quite satisfying. 

Now to find a pre-amp. I still prefer to use solid state, and Coda or Ayre makes a lot of sense. There are a couple of Burmester I could swing, EAR is going to be tube I suppose. Don't know what ARC is doing for SS anymore. The CJ gear phase inverts and don't want to deal with that. I supposed JDRG is an option. Luxman gets mentioned from time to time. Just a few thoughts....

If you want to get the most out of balanced operation, with whatever preamp you look at, ask if it supports AES48, the balanced line standard. Most high end audio preamps don't.

What if the OP's power amp doesn't support AES48? Would it make a difference for the preamp to be AES48 compliant?