Mark levinson 30.5 and 31.5 vs todays cd playerrs

I'm thinking about upgrading my mark levinson 30.5/31.5 and was wondering how audiogoners think the combo compares against todays top players.
Hyoon, I had a digital ML front end years ago which first got replaced with reference Ensemble pieces and now own the Accustic Arts combo as my reference.

I think you would find high end digital front ends these days would make your ML combo sound somewhat dry, somewhat constricted regarding the size of the soundstage and the air around individual players, and that timbres are more natural sounding with greater overall liquidity.

If you want alot more details go to my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective or my reviews of Accustic Arts digital gear.

You have a fine sounding digital combo.Now this is just a suggestion,YMMV. Instead of upgrading the Levinsons, consider trying the Whest Audio Dap-10 processor after your dac,the improvements will shock you. I know, I use one with my Wadia and would not even consider taking it out of my system...

What does a Whest Audio Dap-10 do to the analog signal coming out of your DAC that causes the improvement?
12-14-07: Sgunther
What does a Whest Audio Dap-10 do to the analog signal coming out of your DAC that causes the improvement?

Try here,Whest can explain better than me...