Who is Linn of New Hampshire

I saw this company at the CES in Vegas. They were at the show.(The s.h.o.w.)at the Flamingo. At first I thought this was the Linn company out of Europe. I quickly realized it wasn't. I would think this would be misleading to Linn of europe. I would also think this might be trademark infringement.(I'm not a lawyer I'm just guessing)Does anyone know about this company?
Ha, go to their web site. Look at their "gallery" of installations. It will probably tell you more about Linn of NH than any words can. I have never heard them, perhaps they sound as unique as their speakers look on their web site.
They have been advertising in the rags for at least a decade . ten feet tall with a grey haired gentlemen in the ads .
The guy in the picture is David Linn and he is from New Hampshire. He has since moved to California and the company is now called Linn Audio Loudspeakers. He has gotten criticism for the company name, but it is his name so he uses it, although it has had New Hampshire it it, and how has Loudspeakers in the name. Read the About Us section on his website.
I have seen the ads for the last few years, but not recently, and I didn't know that the company had moved. I looked at the installation gallery though, and I must say that it is very misleading. Even a casual glance will reveal that the very large speakers in the various rooms have been photo-shopped in.Certainly not a good way to build confidence in a company's honesty.