Harbeth P3ESR vs Fritz Rev 5 vs DeVore Gibbon 3XL

Ok, here's the deal.....

I'd like to assemble a secondary two channel music system in my small den. It is only 11.5 ft by 11.5 ft .....so not only is it very small, but also square! Also, because the room is so small, the speakers will have to be placed quite close to the wall that resides behind the back of the speaker. Yikes!

The music I'd like to listen to in this room would be vocals, violin/cello sonatas, piano, and anything acoustical in nature.

Tone and timbre are of paramount importance to me. I do not want to use a subwoofer.....hoping one would not be needed for the above listed music types.

There are no Fritz dealers, but he does allow an in home trial....very nice!
The closest DeVore dealer is several states away from me.
The closest Harbeth dealer is a 12 hour round trip car ride for me.

So, if anyone here has had any experience with the above mentioned speakers and could share any insight of how they may perform in my small and non-optimum room.....it would be greatly appreciated.
Go for the Harbeth.Also look at the Spendor 3/5. They both have sealed woofers. You can place them close to rear wall with no problems. The Spendors are a little more laid back but both speakers are made for the type of music you like. I think both those speakers will fit your taste.
Here is an excellent review of the DeVore
This is the speaker I would recommend
Hi Tom6897, I am located in Wisconsin.

Hi Yogiboy, thank you for your comments. I am seriously considering the little Harbeth. I think there is a good chance that it would work in my small room and if not, it seems to be popular enough that I could probably resell quite easily.

Hi Arh, Thank you for the link in regards to the DeVore's. It was this review that had gotten me interested in the DeVore 3XL's. Have you heard them yourself? These are rear ported speakers.....any idea on how close they can be placed to the wall that is behind them?

DeVore has a great reputation, they are unique looking, and I'm would imagine that they sound splendid....I'm just concerned on whether or not they would work well in my small room being close to the wall that is behind them.