Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?

I use a mix of different cables for interconnect, speaker and digital cables.  I have no complaints. The music sounds great!   I seize upon good values for superior cables from Audiogon and Audiomart US.  I'm setting up a system in another room  and I'm wondering if I should stick with one brand of cable throughout or just keep buying high quality cables regardless of brand.  I'd appreciate your thoughts.


boys and girls... it is a chain... so every link matters... up the chain can be said to have more influence through the whole chain than further downstream due to its position in it, but the signal is all traveling downstream... right?

It is all about balance in this hobby of ours.

@tantejuut Big +1.  Even though I ended up with a near full loom, I am in no way married to it. 

boys and girls... it is a chain... so every link matters... up the chain can be said to have more influence through the whole chain than further downstream due to its position in it, but the signal is all traveling downstream... right

@jjss49 Another Big +1.