Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Do you live in the Chattanooga area? Very cool that you found the culprit (white lead disconnected).


That is quite a list of Power amps tested against your speakers. All solid performers. 2nd- Conrad Johnson.  We have quite a few DIY'ers here that upgraded the XO for model CS 2.4. Take your time to read through the material. Feel free to contact these guys for further inquiry. Have fun massaging those 2.4 speakers into your room and system.


Happy Listening!

@halifax:  Thank you for the heads up on the 3.5’s. At this moment in time I am simply making adjustments to improve my current setup, which only today scored a Mytek Liberty DAC to replace a Jolida FX Glass Tube unit. The Belles 250i Integrated 250i that I’ve been digging has a tubed (1) preamp section, and I kinda feel like I’m over-tubing myself with the aging Jolida. My Pro-ject turntable also uses a tubed phonostage. The Mytek is way more up to date, including MQA support. 

It is my humble opinion that Thiel, as well as Maggies, benefit from solid state amplification. In the past I stuck to this, more often than not incorporating tubed preamps in the mix to good effect. Unless I’m mistaken or misinformed by info obtained from the interweb, Coda was founded by a bunch of guys who once worked with Nelson Pass?  That association alone would give me reason to buy one. 

My current setup is: Belles 250i Mosftet Integrated Amplifier, Magnepan MMG, Musical Fidelity A35 disc player, REL T5i subwoofer, Pro-ject Debut Carbon EVO turntable, Pro-ject DS tube phonostage, Aurender N100H  2TB music server, and lastly the newly acquired Mytek Liberty DAC, and a Furutech power conditioner. The most expensive component to date has been the Aurender, which I bought in lieu of TMR’s refusal to accept my offer on a Pass Labs X150 Integrated. 

The next addition will in all likelihood be a Pass Labs integrated. Like that, my eventual re-association with a pair of CS 3.5’s is fairly far down the proverbial road. Being financially capable of obtaining either is the crux of the matter. In any case, such will be my “final” system. I am more than willing to wait for the upgraded versions of the CS 3.5’s which, I know, will cost substantially more than the pairs I have already had.  

PS: I always employed the CS 3.5 equalizer in my listening. To my ears the sonics were dull without it. 

Cheers, folks! 



Always good to see you here. Thank You for the System update. Yes! too many tubed gear is too much of a good thing. The Musical Fidelity A35 is a fine player.

I believe that you are the only Panel member whom endorses Belles amplifier.

Do you miss B.A.T. integrated amp?


Happy Listening!

Jafant - yes I am in Chattanooga, if you are nearby you are welcome to come hear my setup


oblgny - the setup you have now seems like it should be pretty fun, i see why you are not in a hurry to upgrade, i used to use a rel storm III with the cs1.6 it was awesome sub for its time, they got really nice. My first encounter with big bass was a REL stadium, it literally made the couch I was sitting on vibrate enough to move, It made me laugh at loud at the sheer amount of bass energy it put into the room.  Maggies with one of those and a belles amp seems like it would be a fun match, I think you could probably try a cs1.6 with that amp and sub and have a really interesting alternate setup, if the Belles is running the maggies well it can certainly put out the power for the cs1.6 also.  The liberty DAC looks super awesome, definitely a piece I would like to try



Thank You. I work in Nashville. Perhaps we can meet-and-greet soon. Pretty cool to have an Audio shop locally.  I hope that you are enjoying the CS 2.4 upgrade. It is quite a special Loudspeaker, IMO.


Happy Listening!