Excellent question, and honestly I'm still in the midst of the first week of constant comparison of that very thing. But from several days of critical listening I can say without any doubt the physical CD on the flagship Jay's is superior. I even have the 4 thousand dollar Transparent XL BNC on the W20SE, but the few thousand dollar less expensive cable Wave Storm BNC on the Jay's.
The physical transport is in everyway more detailed, tonally more rich and fuller and deeper sounding. I can't say instrument separation is better because the W20SE is masterful at that also. But after correcting the loose cable issue, like finding a needle in a haystack in my rig, The Jay's Audio CDT3-MK3 is nothing less than magical. Everything I play through it, if well recorded, because it is perfectly revealing, but if well recorded, is jaw dropping. Sometimes this last week I'll just sit in my listening chair and grin ear to ear because never in my life have I heard anything that good even in all my high end hi fi shops in Minneapolis, USA.