Tekton Lore-S

Does anyone have these whose main listening habits tend towards Indie Rock, Pop and electronic? If so How do you like them and how do they compare to your previous speakers.
I'm thinking of pairing these with my Line Magnetic Audio 216IA. Any owners here using these with a low powered tube amp?
I ordered a pair of Tekton Lore S speakers in mahogany finish. I waited about 3 months, and received them 3 weeks ago. I sold a pair of Goldenear Triton 2 speakers, and was without music for almost the entire time I waited. I don't know why I sold the Goldenears because they are fantastic speakers. I read about the Tektons, and got caught up in the hype. I'm always searching for something different, and a little better. Maybe if I took the wax out of my ears, I would hear something I did't hear before too. Anyway, I set up the Tektons. I am using a Core Audio Kratos all digital amp, the same amp I used for the Triton 2. I play all of my music trough a modified Mac Mini. I was very disappointed with the sound. The Trition 2 was better in every way. Don't get me wrong, the Lore S sounded ok, but the Triton 2, blew them away. I was having some buyers remorse, and played the the Lore S sparingly. Realizing that they were not broken in, I left the Lore S playing 24-7 for about a week. What a difference that made. Unbelievable. Bass, slam, clarity, imaging, and sound stage really opened up. More importantly, they are the livest sounding speakers I ever heard. Better that the Triton 2? Yes. Not in the bass department, but everything else is better. I added a subwoofer, and turned it up just a little to fill in the bottom octaves. OMG. Is there better? Possibly, but i'm guessing that I would have to shell out a ridiculous amount of money to even reach the level of what I am hearing. I've been into this stupid hobby for way too long, however, I never sat down and listened to music the way I am now. Truly amazing.
I am now operating a Red Wine Signature 15 amp and Tekton Lore-s speakers. After I finally figured out there was slight short in the line input of the amp, that was tremendously detrimental to the sonics and sound stage (sneaky little twit - only certain recording were affected - no static just subtle loss of power), I am really blown away by the combination. I have never heard better Coltrane and Davis. Also female vocals and harmony (American Beauty, Workings man dead, CSNY, Dixie Chicks, etc are staggering good - ice music taste- huh. While Led Zeplin, Springsteen are good, badl recorded or re-mastered material can be an issue. Beatles, McCartney are wonderful. The whole set up cost me about $2000. Sound for Sound, best music setup I'vs had. Though my Dunlavy IV and CJ Monos wih Wadia were pretty special. Hope this helps those looking for input;
hello all,
   I am a new owner of a pair of the Lore S speakers.  The only thing that I would like to hear is a little more bass.  Speakers are built like tanks and sound so crisp and clear- just need a bit more bass. Any suggestions? Thanks all.      Sarge