Green Mountain Audio

I picked up a set of Diamante's for cheap. They have trashed foam surrounds but otherwise seem fine. I plan on veneering the "marble" with a beautiful teak or rosewood- I haven't decided.The angles will look pretty cool with the right veneer. The marble is not so cool but rigid and heavy. 

Curious if some upgraded drivers would improve the sound- as apposed to re-foaming. I realize this is a shot in the dark but my understanding is Roy from GMA has passed so not sure where to get driver advice. Open to any and all suggestions.


So for those willing to attempt a replacement of a surround; It wasn't bad. If you remove the dust cap you can shim the voice coil so it is centered. I would recommend practicing putting your glue on some scrap first and understanding its working time and any idiosyncrasies. The first speaker the glue tube had some gel in the top and made a bit of a mess. Took some effort to clean it off. Some videos suggest using a brush to spread it evenly on the surround- I found my finger was far superior to avoid mess. Overall, the Eton mid- ranges tuned out pretty great. Still awaiting the ScanSpeak surrounds.   

Thanks for asking. I have all the drivers rebuilt. I also have the wire grills reshaped. Just tonight I veneered one of the speakers with an exotic grey walnut. To say it was a challenge would be an understatement with all the angles. I don’t know how to post pics or I would. I will attempt to send you one directly.