Distortion using OPPO 103 w Streaming and CD's, but not with DVD playback

Hoping someone can give some advice before I tear the rack apart.

Have an OPPO 103 for CD/DVD and streaming from Tidal.  Have owned the unit for years and happy with it.  I really liked the fact that it not only played disks but also had the associated app that allows me to stream from Tidal.

I hadn't streamed for quite a while and when I streamed today there was tremendous distortion (unlistenable), playing a CD seems to also be distorted, but not as bad, playing a DVD doesn't seem to have no distortion at all.

All connections are RCA / Single ended. 

There is one new variable and that is the introduction of a Schiit Freya preamp.

However, vinyl sounds great through the Freya and as I said above DVD playback seems perfectly fine.

So if someone has trouble shooting ideas before I start tearing down the rack and rearranging things I would love to hear them.

Seems weird that some functions sound fine and others are a mess and I would think that a bad wire, connection or even EMF would effect all of the playback media the same way.

Thanks in advance.





Good to read that the CD(s) play without issue. Streaming is a whole different set of issues. Keep me posted as you figure out all facets of Playback.


Happy Listening!

Using the built-in app to stream Tidal might be causing the issue. Oppo has since gone out of business and I bet the TIDAL application programming interface (API) has changed considerably since 2017 (the date of the last firmware update).

Sorry to hear that - it's a great player. Guess it's time to move on to streaming full time. Less moving parts to break. 😀