PS Audio Directstream DAC?

Any thoughts on the PS Audio Directstream DAC used? Seems like a used one can still be relevant because of the software updates.

I’m looking for a very analog sounding DAC—I do not need every ounce of detail.

Open to other options too (used) in the 3k category.


the second to last 'windom' firmware version is much more laid back and ’analog-sounding’ than the very last version called 'sunlight' which brought forward etched detail in a big way...

I think the used DS DAC is the audio steal of the decade. In my system it sounds wonderful. Vocals tonally realistic without any digital glare. With the right recordings the soundstage has depth and width. It also provides details without fatigue. I don’t use a preamp as it has a remote volume control.

This is comparable to other $6000 DACs and can easily be had for under half that. I haven’t heard the previous software revisions or the Edcor transformer upgrade but just having those as options to me only raises its value.

Well, this is all very encouraging feedback—I might have to give one a try. What do you all think about hr bridge as a streamer? I have an Aurender which I assume would be better, but could be nice cost savings and make for a cleaner system if the Bridge could compete. I don’t love the McConnector app but guess I could live with it: