Actually his opinions is are not unpopular, otherwise there would be zero people at his shows.
With regard to him not having them in Poland, that was not his decision, that is not why they were cancelled.
As for the ’everybody go home, nothing to see here’ statement about alternative news sources, that’s just arm waving with empty projections.
The lame-stream media, as it is more properly known, is monolithic in it’s positon which means it is psychotically aligned and lock step with politics which is literally impossible in a real world and world of free press (see the history of your own US media for that) unless the situation is fascist and moving in on true totalitarianism.
The attacks on waters here, all while pretending to be humane and easy going... are getting into real scary areas of being misinformed, and a desperation to hold onto a world position, that is in the final stages of complete dismemberment. One where it is about to talk and walk itself off a cliff.
Where it is doing everything in it’s power to take the rest of us with it, through it’s desires for total control of the situation and the desire to get exactly what it wants.
I for one, quite correctly strongly disagree with that position and I stand against it, again, quite correctly - with all the force my life can muster.
I’m not American and I don’t suffer the deeply misinformed outsized stuffed chest Stockholm syndrome I see here in this thread.
The petrodollar is now the walking dead.. and you better figure that out fast, as that thing is getting world threateningly dangerous in it’s death throes.
the Cuban missile crisis was no where near as critical and dangerous as this situation is now.
Yet, americans are going about their lives as if nothing is going on, as the media and the politics are not letting them know how desperate things are.
Why is that? Why would one’s own politicians, corporate media, and military not let the people know what is really going on, and how dangerous what they are doing -- really is?
If one is reading this post and is angry with me on some level (apologies, I care about you and your children, that's why I'm speaking), well, I expect that within two weeks your position on all of this will change in some way, possibly in a fundamental way. That is, if we manage to last two weeks without a major incident..
ie, France is on the verge of giving up entirely on the G7 (massive protests have begun), Bulgaria has given up on it or is in the process of giving up on sanctions, and there’s more. Much much more.
The kind of stuff that US mainstream media is not going to ever cover. Europe is not really interested, any more, in being that college kid on the escalator in total recall, for the us controlled NATO. But don’t worry, your media will spin it into looking like something else.