Budget USB DAC

I'm looking for a budget USB DAC. Does anyone have any experience with Diyeden, Fubar II, or Keces? Are these worth looking at?

All I need is the USB port, and RCA outputs like the Scott Nixon and Wavelength units have. I can't afford that price range though.
Mightconsider a Lite Audio DAC AM Modified - had one pretty good for the money Pacific Valvecarries the (not affiliated)
I strongly recommend the Audiosector USB DAC. $380, hand assembled in Canada by its designer, Peter Daniel. I found it to be, overall, about as good as the Altmann Attraction DAC -- with slightly different strengths.
Hi Scramman

Did you happen to try the headphone output of the Thingee. I am trying to decide between the Thingee and Headroom Total Bithead as portables. The Bithead has an internal DAC as soundcard and is said to be capable of driving some load.