Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you today. Thank you for the post. Stay tuned until one of our Panel experts chimes in to address your query.

I am looking forward to reading more details about your Musical tastes and system.


Happy Listening!

Ag insider logo xs@2x


I don’t see any specs for the Loki EQ on the Schiit site. The 03a needs around 6dB at 30Hz with a curve diminishing to zero boost at around 250Hz. Any EQ that does that is suitable.

I’d like to add that the 03a is a fairly mature Thiel offering. The felt solution for diffraction control was quite effective, and the drivers and XO components were a league up from the original 03. The cabinet (if I remember correctly) was made of 1-1/8" industrial particle board as were its CS3 and CS3.5 successors. You could help my memory by looking at the woofer. I don’t remember whether the 01 (a,b,c) woofer was used in the 03a. It had a steel basket which could be tested with a magnet at the mounting lip.

I presently have no records on the 03 / 03a, but would like to document them via driver names/models and XO circuitry. I could derive a schematic from a good photograph of the crossover. I understand if this ask is beyond your interest. But, on the other hand, if you are game, so am I.

As a further note, the 03/03a will be retrofittable with the next generation CS3.5 drivers (beyond 3.6 quality) and internal upgrades as well as an upgraded EQ.

I don't remember whether it was the 03 or 03a that Harry Pearson (himself!) reviewed and announced that Jim Thiel was an upcoming bright star to be followed. Whichever model it was - that's when demand for the the models 3 and 4 (coherent sources) skyrocketed.



Thank You for addressing drotti2004 's query. I hope that you are having a Fruitful trip to (from) VA. Have fun and Safe travels.


Happy Listening!