What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!



Haven't heard a lot of different speakers.  But, for my small room the best I've heard are my Dynaudio Heritage Specials.

Seems silly but I will say Fritz Carerra BE.  Have heard standmounts in shows that cost well over 20k that are bested by the Fritz.  Just had to throw Fritz in the running just to get people to look more at his speakers.  He is the nicest guy you will talk to and deserves more recognition in my opinion.

With price no object there are some stunning possibilities out there. I also have heard the Borresen B01s and they show Michael's further success. (Had older borrowed Raidho D1s for two months and now 'suffering' with older D2s  :-)

Without having heard the latest I'd consider Sonus Faber, TAD and others too.

Best sounding "Stand Mount" speakers I ever heard has to be Dick Sequerra’s MET 7’s. Hands down the best sound state and realistic presentation of anything I’ve heard in that class. The bottom end can be lacking, but let’s face it; they're stand mount for a reason and with that you will always give up a solid bottom end.

Sonus Faber Extrema. I have owned the Sonus Faber Electa Amators (originals) for thirty years, without regret. If I had it to do over, I would have sprung for the Extremas.