Room Acoustics and Speaker interaction.

I would like to have a secondary system in my small den which is only 11.5ft by 11.5ft with only a 7.5ft ceiling. Very small and very square...yikes!

So, because the room is so small, the speakers need to be close to the wall that resides behind them.

So this got me thinking about speaker types: sealed/front ported/rear ported, etc as I want to avoid a booming bass. But then I was it really the ports that are problematic or is it just certain low frequencies that are reacting to the room modes? Any thoughts?

How does one determine what frequencies to watch out for in your particular room?
I think you're realizing that the room dominates when it gets that small, and that nothing you do will alleviate the problems with placement near a wall behind the speakers, which will cause all kinds of response anomalies in the lower mids and upper bass.

You might consider a couple of very small satellite speakers and find a hiding spot for a small woofer that you can optimize for the listening position.
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IMO, both Luvs2listen and Bob_reynolds have given very good advices. For speakers, I would recommend Dynaudio sealed monitors e.g. Audience 42 sat or Contour S R, complemented with a sealed subwoofer.

Also, whether or not you will excite any room modes, it depends on how loud you are listening. For soft listening sessions you may not excite any room modes, so your square room may not be a problem after all.
Yes, indeed. There have been some great suggestions made by all of you here. It looks as though I have some more research to do. I appreciate everyone's contributions in trying to help me get good sound in this little room.
It's your room not the speakers. My suggestion is get whatever speaker you like, put it where you want (against the wall) and get a tact 2.0s preamp and do the room correction. It will do wonders. No boomy bass.