Room Acoustics and Speaker interaction.

I would like to have a secondary system in my small den which is only 11.5ft by 11.5ft with only a 7.5ft ceiling. Very small and very square...yikes!

So, because the room is so small, the speakers need to be close to the wall that resides behind them.

So this got me thinking about speaker types: sealed/front ported/rear ported, etc as I want to avoid a booming bass. But then I was it really the ports that are problematic or is it just certain low frequencies that are reacting to the room modes? Any thoughts?

How does one determine what frequencies to watch out for in your particular room?
It's your room not the speakers

The OP did not talk about any problems, only asked opinions about speakers that might work fine in his small room. While I agree that electronic correction/equalization can do wonders, it is naive to think that you can put your speakers anywhere in the room and then get away with this by running the room correction set up procedure. Electronic equalization should be used as little as possible, i.e. you put the speakers and sub in the best place possible and then run room correction set up procedure.
Another vote for electronics with room correction software. Audyssey (particularly XT 32) is another excellent option.


I'm not saying the op has any problems. I'm just saying the room has more to do of the booming bass than the speakers themselves. You're right about the limitations of room correction but seeing from the options of the op, the room corrections seems to fit him best. His biggest concern was booming bass and that was MY suggestion.

Bmwmcab, my initial impression was that the OP is asking for speaker recommendation. However, after re-reading the initial post it is clear that that may not be necessarily the case. Though, I still can not tell whether the OP is just concerned about booming bass or he has already tried speakers in that room and knows for sure this is an issue. Sorry.

Regarding some of the OPs initial questions, the dimension of the room determine the modes that will be amplified or absorbed by the room. There are quite a few online room mode calculators (google "room mode calculator"). A few times I have used this one:

Room mode calculator

However, one should keep in mind that the position of the speakers relative to each other and to the room walls has a bit influences on the interference pattern. The speaker ports are also very important in this regard as they are additional bass sources. There are other additional variables, e.g. material from which the walls are made, listening level, neighbor rooms, etc.. Thus, unless one measure properly the response of his/her room, nothing is written in stones. The output of all these online calculators should be considered as a starting point.

Electronic management of the bass, as first suggested by Bmwmcab, is the most effective way to go. However, if you will used speakers design to be placed near room boundaries and/or listen at low level electronic equalization may not be necessary.
When I study about where to situate a pair of speakers I usually take some meditions:
1- find best frequency bass response (<200hz) in the room. You can play with speakers position AND sweet spot position
2- try to adequate the room reverberation time from 200hz to 3150Hz according to your taste preferences (room monitoring studio has typical values from 0,2 to 0,4). For this you will need acoustic treatmen.
3- find the best response over 200hz, play with toe in amd tilt of the speakers

Be careful with rear bass ports, they don't like rear walls...

Good luck!!