Subwoofer fluttering

Help! I have a pro ject x2 ,songbird,mc,Allnic 1202, when I increase the volume,40%,my sub begins to flutter violently,sound goes to SH.. I tried to adjust gain,not sure what’s going on? Thanks Jeff R

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That arm and cartridge combination is a tad below the resonance frequency of 8hz.I doubt that would cause a problem. You might have an acoustic feedback problem. What do you have the table sitting on? BTW, remove the dust cover and see if that helps!

it hates the sound of your system, it is doing its best to flap its wings and fly away 😂

seriously though... listen to yogi and fuzz

Thanks fellows I turned off sub,sounds great plenty of volume.I have a electronic crossover ordered so will see what happens when I get those wires off the Gamut speakers terminals,jeff