Couple of OCC Speaker Cable Options

I have found a couple of OCC speaker cables that I’m interested in buying and wanted to see if anyone here has any experience with either?

Xangsane fever grade 12TC OCC:

SKW OCC Speaker Cable:


I've used SKW products before (interconnects). They're pretty good for what they are. I've not used their speaker cables, though.

Can't go wrong with Amazon. If you don't like them, return them.


Are you now using the Amazon speaker cables in your above link? Curious how they compare to your others. Thanks for the link! 

@grannyring; Great question LOL!

I just had to try those cables because I was watching a YouTube video that Steve Huff made and he spoke highly of that speaker cable. After a break-in on my cable cooker, sure enough, those speaker cables are darn good, especially for the price. No, they are not in my main system however I do use them in my secondary systems along with a variety of other speaker cables. I suffer from an illness where I can’t bring myself to sell equipment and gear that I like and my basement looks something like an audio store. Luckily my wife stays out of the basement...LOL ;-)