Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Thank you for the description of Bill’ s Audio operation. I can only imagine his Home stereo system. No doubt that he has golden ears. After all he was the Lead technician at Conrad Johnson for a number of years.


I see Mr Rob Gillum in the same professional light.

30 years and counting, We are very fortunate to have these Men in our hobby.

The Panel’s 3.5 fans and owners will welcome any XO upgrades. EQ improvement as well.  Glad that you guys enjoyed fellowship and fruitful travels. Nothing like exploration of Audio shops away from your local haunts.


Happy Listening!



2nd Note;

Impressive that Bill employs a Pro Power Amp.

very curious to learn the brand/model? I wonder why he does not use a CJ power amp?


Happy Listening!



I have you at the Top of my search list. Give me an idea of how far you are willing to travel? I can fully recommend a road trip to pick up a sweet pair of Thiel speakers. I did without hesitation.


Happy Listening!

As time went on, the unit count of Thiel models decreased and the export percentage increased. I can only speculate as to causes. The 2.4 only sold about 2300 pair, let's guess half of them in the USA. And their owners tend to love and hold them. Be watchful and quick on the trigger.

jafant - at Bill's shop, he must be able to drive all kinds of loads with both unbalanced and balanced inputs. CJ experimented wide and long about adding balanced operation and chose to not go there. The unbalanced circuit simplicity won the musicality race even though balanced is 6dB quieter. True balanced requires twice the part count, and fudged balanced often disappoints. My experience reflects his observations. RCA cables often perform better than their XLR counterparts, unless there are pro conditions such as long runs, high EMF environments, lighting interference, etc. In livingroom hi fi we often have very manageable environments where single-ended RCA outperforms balanced XLR.

On my personal front, Bill is removing the input balancing circuitry from my Classé DR9s. It is op-amp based and of lower quality than the actual single-ended unbalanced input stage. We'll use the extra space for larger, better caps and a cleaner layout for what Bill promises to be decisively better results.

Regarding the 3.5 equalizer, the top version will actually have two complete circuit boards with one running positive and the other inverted, requiring an EQ for each channel - powered by an outboard power supply big enough to power both channels. That fully balanced performance will be better than unbalanced RCA, but at double the component count and cost. In the case of a real balanced preamp and poweramp (such as Benchmark), the true-balanced EQ will maintain balanced topology throughout.

I didn't ask, but I bet Bill has CJ at home.