@tapp Yeah, I've seen some non-love for them. I've had one of their integrated amps (Decco65 if I recall) in years past and paired with my speakers of that era (Zu Omen) and my complaint with the Peachtree of yore was that bass and lower midrange were sorely missing but very smooth treble and dimensionality. By the performance so far, it seems like they have addressed those two things.
Do they have a character or sound signature? Not really. I think that's their goal with this amp, though, neutrality. If that's the goal, this amp is a success. Does it cost a lot to get to that goal? In this case, no, so it's a really good value at that. For a LOT of people, this amp is enough. As of now, if I could temper my expectations (a tall order for any self-described audiophile) I could absolutely be happy with this amp. Maybe not with the Bluesound as the front, but the technology of the amp design is really really good and provides a lot of listening satisfaction. Do you *need* anything else? We're always chasing it and will probably continue because that's the nature of this hobby 😁