OK, let’s get back to basics then, soon as your post your system, the pics, the measurements we can discuss.
For what point? Gear shaming? Or some other strawman argument?
Maybe we should just stick to factual things?
For instance the highly linear Purifi motors that their drivers use have lower measured distortion.
And the Vandersteen drivers, and some of Accuton and other drivers, have cones that are more pistonic and don’t have breakup modes happening as easily.
Some may not like their sound, and may prefer more distortion if their ears like that better… but let’s not fool ourselves as some important things can be measured.
We cannot measure synergy, and we cannot easily measure bias. Those are two thing that have a huge impact on how good we perceive the system to be.
Whether a 110dB SINAD is better than a 120dB SINAD is able to be discerned is largely objective, and whether one likes distortion is largely subjective and also in a known objective thing that shows that people like it... they like the sound of some types of distortion.
There is no point in arguing about it or denying it… but it is not what most would call “higher fidelity”.
Lower fidelity make be preferred… OK… so what?