I don't get LRS and cheap Ayima AO7 amp

Interesting story, I have an real nice tube amp Harbeth analogue system setup which is great. I ordered a Magnepan LRS for the goof a while back. Got it like 5 months later didnt think twice as it was put aside. I needed a cheap amp and DAC for an inceiling kitchen system. Ayimya ao7 $90 and a topping E30II $150. I hooked them up to Maganepan and I was shocked at how good it sounded.  How is this possible? I dont get it....  I have heard very expensive systems 70K+ . Are we being ripped off. I am not comparing the two so lets not go down that road....but what gives....  


The thing is that the Maganepan LRS are low impedence and hard to drive as we all know. Many Receivers and integrated amps cant even drive them. The ayima class D chip can double its power from  to 4ohms, its only 40watts. I am not sure about the quality of the Ayimas build. I dont trust the power supply, probably very cheap as other have commented, which lead me to wonder how good are the Hypex Nc502 modules for $750. Maybe others can chime in with their experience.  

I know class D can sound sterile, not reccomended!

The usual suspects are Bryston, Parasounsd, Schitt Vidar,Odyseey, Pass XA25 and even high current tube. What other opitions ? 

I'm interested in this Aiyima amp. I bought a Tripath amp based on Rolox's recommendation. It sounds lovely with my Closer Acoustics OGY. But I wish I had more power for orchestral music. With other music it's plenty loud.

With the A-07 one uses more or less voltage in the form of the SMPS to get higher wattage.
50ish volts gets a few hundred watts, so I got one of those SMPS for the center channel.

@holmz I'm sorry, I don't understand your post. You're talking about an engineering concept. What are the consequences? Should the A07 and Tripath amp sound very similar?

Anyways, I thrifted a Continental Edison PA9109 for 40€ and couldn't be happier. I get a bigger, punchier sound. I'm no longer interested in these class D amps, because I'm satisfied. 

I wouldn't be against using an Aiyima A07 for a few days to make up my mind. But I can't justify another amplifier purchase. 

@holmz I'm sorry, I don't understand your post. You're talking about an engineering concept. What are the consequences? Should the A07 and Tripath amp sound very similar?

If you need more power, like maybe driving a 8 ohm load… then to get more power one uses a higher input voltage.

There is a yellow and blue table here: 

Figure out what power you want/need, and order the power supply that fulfills that need/want.


I do not think it is the best amp in the world, and comparing it to a Bryson, Parasound, Pass, etc. seems a bit of a wank.

But it is the best amp at $62 (USD) IMO.