As to tweaks, I say try it and if you like the sound results, keep it. Otherwise, return it. I tried many footers when a dealer continued to send them to me to evaluate. One was terrible under all equipment and about 8 others were more similar than different in effect. None were inexpensive, ranging from $49 to $500 per footer, a broad range but cost more than most footers were in the 1980s (cones, silicone rings, springs, etc). I think roller balls in captive devices were the next step, vibraplanes and then multi-density/elastomer type devices, almost all more expensive.
It wasn't until I purchased the Townshend Seismic Sink that I decided to keep my VPI TNT VI in 2006. It has terrible vibration isolation, much worse than the rubber block and spring footers of my VPI 19-4. That Townshend is fantastic for turntable isolation (my equipment rack was not the problem, made of welded steel tubing filled with 50/50 shot and sand/dead sounding when struck).