A Question About Time Alignment

I was reading a review of the Wilson Alex V on Stereophile recently. (Published just in time. I’m thinking about picking up a pair. Maybe a couple for the bedroom, too.) And it raised a long-standing question of mine, one that I hope the wiser minds on this site can answer. 

Wilson’s big selling point is aligning the different frequencies so they all reach your ear simultaneously. As I understand it, that’s why they have minute adjustments among the various drivers. The woofers put out bass notes that move slowly thanks to their long sound waves while the tweeters are playing faster moving, high frequency notes with short waves. Wilson lets you make adjustments so that they all arrive at the ear at once. 

It seems to me, however, that live music isn’t time aligned. Suppose I’m playing the piano and you’re sitting across the room. When I stretch out my left hand to hit the low notes, those notes travel along the same long, slow wavelengths as the notes from Wilson’s woofers. Similarly, the treble notes I play with my right hand move quickly through the short wavelengths. The notes from the piano are naturally out of alignment. If Wilson’s goal is to achieve a lifelike sound, aligning the frequencies doesn’t seem like the way to do it. 

Wilson has been selling lots of zillion dollar speakers for lots of years and people continue to gobble ‘em up. Something must be wrong with my line of reasoning. Would someone please point out where I’ve gone wrong? Nicely?


Don't move your head even one inch while listening or your whole time alignment will be off.

I’m more worried about my chakras being aligned… 😋

Lots of theories abound and some even result in better sounding gear! I'll say that the Vandersteens I've owned have definitley had some special coherence that was enjoyable for me throughout the 2 and 3 series and seemed to be less dependent on equipment.

And that the Daedalus Athena's I now have are ethereal and heavenly.

The ears have it!

The time it is taking to read all the comments on this topic does not align with my morning schedule.

I hope to pick it back up when I have more time this afternoon.

like kids arguing about HP and valvetrains when not much of that horsepower makes it to the ground…. excellent systems engineering rarely focuses on a variable or two… Time, Phase, pistonic motion, low diffraction, energy storage in the radiating surface and enclosure, ringing in the filters, doppler in a coaxial driver…and the list goes on…..

and tastes vary…not everyone loves a Stradavarius…. or a Telecaster…