No mention of LRS / LRS+ on Magnepan website???

After reading many positive comments on the new Magnepan LRS+, I went to the magnepan website to review details, and was surprised to find no mention of either the LRS+ or the LRS baseline/original.  Even using the search function on the website came up nil. Hmmm.

Does anyone know what happened to both the + and the original?  Wondering if the direct sale approach was an issue, or is the Baseline was dropped and the + is not yet in production. Or???



Magnepan called me last month to update my waiting list order for the LRS+, asking if I wanted the new stands, and to pick a color, as gray will no longer be offered...they told me they needed to fulfill all backorders for the LRS before they could start producing the LRS+...those on the 6 month LRS waiting list were given the option of still getting their LRS, or being at the head of the line for the 33% more expensive LRS+...

my LRS+ arrived today...spoke to Magnepan this morning, and the upgrade stands are not finalized, and will not be available for some months...

Magnepan told me they are currently producing orders received in May… and they have delayed production of the optional stands for about 3-4 months. 

Meantime, another great review. 
