Too many tubes?

Friends, I am putting togther a new system. So far have Halcro MC20 and Atma Sphere MP3. Looking seriously at a pair of Zen Adagios. Is there anything to be gained (or lost) by mating a CD player with tubes (like the BAT, Audio Aero, Jolida) with this tube preamp? My amp and pre are fully balanced. I assume the BAT is as well. Any others? Again, advantage/disadvantage/no advantage for fully balanced CD given other componants are fully balanced? Much obliged.
I'd concentrate more on getting the best CD player for your tastes, instead of worrying if it is tube or solid state. I've heard good and less good CD players of both persuasions.
My system is ALL TUBES. Preamp, amps, DAC AND NOW CDP.
I also have Rega Apollo CDP which is great. Synergy is very important. And it is something I discover not to long ago. In the past I have heard about it but did not quite get it.
I never doubt its importance, just did not realize how much?
It is all about - what are You looking for in you system.
First thing in my opinion would be to evaluate you system's strong and weak points and then try to compensate with appropriate component. Also room itself may play a big role in the way your system interacts within its acoustic properties.
today's tube designs do not have the classic, euphonic, highly colored sound of tubes.

having owned the bat vk d5 cd player, i would suggest you avoid this player. it may burn your ears. perhaps if you remove the metal oil filled caps, you'll be ok.

given the intent of most designers to produce low-distortion tube products, there is no need to be concerned with owning tube electronics.

the only issue is tube replacement. if you seek nos tubes, you may incur a significant expense, if you replace a number of tubes.