NAIM 282/250DR/HC2DR against Accuphase E5000

Hi, I’m building a system again from scratch after a divorce. My speakers will be Kudos Titan 606. Contemplating integrated Accuphase E5000 vs separates NAIM 282/HCDR/250DR.

I hear both are a good match to the 606, in my country I can get a better discount on Accuphase and so the prices are E5000 USD $11,400 vs the NAIM combo. USD$ 14,250.


I like most music except jazz and most classical.


I am using a Heed Lagrange with the dac card. I simplified my previous system which was the Heed Obelisk integrated with the optional power supply and the Heed Abacus dac. Very good, but too many boxes and cables for me. The Lagrange is a very nice amp, but I think it would be underpowered for your purposes, as it’s only 60 wpc. Plenty for me though. 

Nice, I’m not familiar with that, but I’m sure it’s a wonderful combination. Another even more simple and reduced cables/boxes was an active speaker set up. The ATC SCM50A and say Benchmark LA4 preamp was suggested by my dealer. Not sure I would want to lock myself into active speakers though…

@chayro I was not referring to your post when I made the comment. I was referring to the OP’s post mentioning about the Supernait 3. Yes, I agree that the result with the SN3 wouldn’t be too good when it's matched with the Kudos speaker.

Most Naim owners who have Kudos Titan 606 or larger floorstanders use 252/300 or 552/300 with the speakers.