Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please

I'm just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the above combo? How does it sound compared to the other models in the Esoteric range, like the X03se? or the X01D2?
Tbooe...exactly what I am lloking for. Ine one of my systems which serves for home theatre as well I aminly use a music server for music: Sooloos. Right now I have it feeding a Mcintosh pre-pro and using the DA stage in the pre pro...and prety sureI can do better thanthat (helps that the Mcintosh pre-pro allows one to by pass everything and use it as 2 channel preamp and a decent one at that). In my other system I have a EMM Labs set up and love it but wqas wondering how th Esoteric D5 would do in this set up. The Sooloos, unfortunately, only has coaxial single end digital outout.....
Good point cmk. I think my remote is the one for the P3. I am still not sure why it would not have an input select option though. One thing that bothers me is that when I do switch from cd to my digital music source, I have to turn off the P3 or else the word clock missing error will blink. Minor annoyance.

Henryhk, the Sooloos looks great! The interface is nice and big. For the price, I really like my Sonos but it does require some hardware while the the Sooloos is a complete package. Very nice!
thx Tobooe. the interface is so much fun to are your D05 and Sonos connected? My understanding is that it wld bo single ended coaxial digital? And you upconvert to DSD with the D05?
henryhk, you are correct. I do not convert to DSD as it did not sound good 176to my ears, though I do upsample. Even at a modest encoding setting of VBR 256 (mp3), it sounds remarkably similar to the cd playing through Esoteric P3/D5 combo. I guess I am lucky dont have golden ears!
After some thought, I have decided to merge my two systems (reasons are complicated but not really driven by sound etc but living habits, space etc) and thus rather buying a new DAC I am gonna take my existing emmlabs gear and use it for the the DCC2 connected to both the CDSD and Sooloos. Thanks for the advice on D05 anyhow...but think marginal expenditure would be best spent on upgrading my speakers...