Speaker upgrade

Good morning all, hope everyone is well.

My planned HIFI change for 2023 is a change in loudspeakers. My top contenders are JBL L100, Klipsch Forte IV or Corwall IV’s, another couple I am very interested in are the Volit Razz, and possibly the Paradigm F80.

System consists of Rogue RP-1, Rogue Atlas Mag III, Line Magnetic CD-24, MOFI Master deck and Master tracker.

Room is an untreated living room 15x15, hardwood with thick throw rug and lightly furnished.

I have listened to the Klipsch and the Paradigm, enjoyed them both. They are different animals as one would imagine.

I listen to mostly Jazz, Rock and "American Roots" (not modern country).

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433

@doyle3433, since you mentioned listening "mostly to Jazz", I would recommend adding Revel to your list. Frankly, however, the Revel line in your budget range will do justice to just about every genre of music, as will your MoFi Ultradeck+M. Full disclosure: I own a pair of Revel and your MoFi deck, powered by a McIntosh amplifier.

This would be a stretch for your budget, if your intention is to buy new, but I would REALLY, REALLY recommend you do some serious seat-time with a pair of Aerial Acoustics 6T, even if you have to do some significant travelling to spend time with them in, of course, a scheduled and carefully orchestrated, critical listening session. I'm not terribly familiar with your amplification source, however. The Aerial require a lot of juice. So, make certain your amp can generate the kind of current (not watts) the Aerial need to sign like the angels.

The Volti Razz sounds excellent and is the most refined of the ones on your list. My only reservation is that they sounded a bit too smooth when I heard them however the crossovers can easily be adjusted by changing the snap in resistors with some guidance by Greg of volti who is very responsive.

A bit more midrange and these would have been perfect.

They would also have perfect synergy with your system.

The volti speakers greatly improve on the klipsch heritage sound because they are super well braced and have no cabinet colorations. makes them sound more like music and less like PA speakers.

I would not even consider the paradigms, no offense.

I am not a fan of the JBL voicing and tonal balance.  

I will strongly agree with ghdprentice above. I have owned the Rogue Cronus Magnum II integrated, and currently the Rogue Pharaoh II integrated. All the while I have paired with Sonus faber. Initially the Venere 2.5 and now the Sonetto V speakers. Rogue amps match very well with Sonus faber, and whatever your budget, SF has speakers to match from the new Lumina Series, to the Sonetto's and further up the $$ chain, SF speakers sound fantastic with Rogue amps. Good luck!

if you liked Tyler then there are these:

T2 Floorstanders – tyleracoustics.com

which are supposed to be (by some margin) the best speakers that Tyler had produced to date.  Dannie Ritchie and GR Research had a major hand in them.