To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.

I have recently set up a second system from some previously owned components which I though I would use for occasional listening as I have a better rig in a dedicated music room. Yet I find I'm listening to it more than expected and want to optimize it.

I use only a single source, a Bluesound Node 2i, feeding directly into a Forte 4a Class A power amp and some Totem Model one signatures speakers. No preamp! Controlling the volume with the BlueOS app, the system plays loud enough for my listening needs but I know the output of the Node is on the low side for the power amp. I'm not looking to upgrade the current speakers, amp or streamer. Other than having more gain, would adding an active preamp bring anything to the table other than more expense and additional "stuff" in the audio chain. What has been the experience of other members been who have gone this route?


I am fully aware of the limitations of the DAC in the Node 2i as agd 101 pointed out. It's serviceable but not great.

I have a Node 2i (although it hasn't been plugged in for a while.)  Seems to me, its weakness isn't so much its DAC as its preamp capabilities. Specifically, its volume control. I've A/B compared a feed from the Node 2i via (A) its digital outputs and  (B) its analog outputs. From "A", I was hearing the DAC in a more expensive downstream component (equipped with the ESS 9028 chip IIRC). From "B", I was hearing the DAC in the Node 2i.  I noticed no difference in SQ. YMMV.

However, when I've switched from digital/software volume control in the Node 2i to analog or hybrid digital/analog volume control in a downstream device, I noticed a rather significant SQ improvement. Again, YMMV (and maybe I'm not remembering every detail of these comparisons). But I suspect you could improve the SQ by moving the volume control downstream, whether to (1) a decent dedicated preamp, (2) a better streamer/DAC/preamp box, or (3) a decent integrated amp. Currently, I'm using option 2 (a Matrix Audio Element X).  If I wanted to try option 1, I'd be considering the Benchmark LA4 (a line amplifier that goes for about $2600 and gets very strong reviews.)



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Budget is around $1000. I don't mind buying used, prefer it in fact.

With that budget and being a bedroom system, I am wondering if it good enough “as is.”

Do you do a lot of careful and critical listening in there? Or is it mostly mood music?

I have a Bluesound Node 2i. I haven't tried using it alone for volume control...yet.  Will have to try.  I originally bought NAD M51 as DAC only (about $550 used) but tried as preamp and struggle to find something significantly better.  New price I have only gotten up to about $6k with tube pres, but the main benefit has been better gain matching for my 24 WPC tube amp whereas NAD had plenty for SS. Maybe my speakers or my ears aren't good enough to tell the differences or the NAD is just very good. I definitely recommend it at its used price point. 

I've yet to experience the pre as the heart of the system though I've heard some say this. Maybe I need to spend $15k. The speakers and amp are the heart for my experiences,  but that's just from what I've been able to try in my rig. 


I don't do my critical listening on this second system. It's not in my bedroom but in my living room. My critical listening is with my primary system in a dedicated room in my basement. So it, as it stands, is "good enough" but I will happily entertain an improvement if cost effective.